Gallery Module

This type of module is used for a grid of image boxes with or without text and external links.

This module contains the following options:

  • Required fields:
    • Number of gallery columns: Choose 1 to 4 images per row and can be changed at any time. Choosing 1 image per row will move the image to the left and the content to the right. Choosing 2 to 4 images per row will move the image to the top and the content to the bottom.
    • Gallery image: Recommended image size is 700px wide by 400px high
  • Optional fields:
    • Gallery image link:
      • Use selector to link to a page, file, or external link asset
      • Use link text field to link to a full URL including http://
      • If not provided, no link will be added
    • Image summary: WYSIWYG content
  • Any number of images can be entered.
  • The image Display Name field will be used as the Alt Text.

Gallery 1 column - no image links and content links

Gallery 2 columns - content and no image links

Gallery 3 columns - links in content and no image links

Gallery 4 columns - image links and no content